Got to go round

Spinning Wheel Lyrics
Artist(Band):Blood, Sweat & Tears

What goes up must come down
spinning wheel got to go round
Talking about your troubles it’s a crying sin
Ride a painted pony
Let the spinning wheel spin

You got no money, and you, you got no home
Spinning wheel all alone
Talking about your troubles and you, you never learn
Ride a painted pony
let the spinning wheel turn

Did you find a directing sign
on the straight and narrow highway?
Would you mind a reflecting sign
Just let it shine within your mind
And show you the colours that are real

Someone is waiting just for you
spinning wheel is spinning true
Drop all your troubles, by the river side
Catch a painted pony
On the spinning wheel ride

I know it’s a cliche but I just had to put the lyrics here.  Look what I did today!

 newbie spinner 1st efforts

My first effort is on the left, my second on the right (on the bobbin).  I’ve put a significant dent in my bag of corriedale roving, and I’m flirting with the idea of handpainting after I make another bobbinfull and ply.  I think I’ll get fiber-reactive colors; Hands on Dyeing is making me feel brave.  I’m hoping to get “colours that are real”.  Someday.

I must have been VERY good this year.

Here’s what Santa baby put under the tree –it’s a Kromski Sonata! I would so much rather have sat down to play than fix a Christmas dinner, but that had to wait until today.

Here’s my very first skein — corriedale roving, natural

Made today. Okay, it’s a big mess, inconsistent and overspun, but it’s my mess, and I’m very proud of it!

Arthur the endlessly curious bottomless pit poodle eyes my new obsession goofilly —

and has so far found discretion the better part of valour, i.e. has not yet eaten it, and therefore lives unbruised.

Girls in their momknit hats:

and a good day was had by all. Even Arthur.

I’m off hopefully to enjoy happily revolving dream bobbins full of dream-perfect luscious hand-painted exotic fiber yarns.

And to all a good night.

knitting unrelated to Christmas

I have two in progress right now, a shrug of my own design in silk rhapsody (heavenly stuff),

and lanaknits lacy little top in Bambu 7, color borage.

I really like the way it’s knitting up, but I’m losing confidence in my calculation that I have enough yarn to complete it. Wish me luck. This is what the yarn looked like before casting on.

My two dogs sleeping in the same place! This is so rare, I had to document it.

Merlin (the little white one) usually scorns to keep company with his baby brother Arthur, but Arthur had the best blanket, so Merlin stoops to lie down with the big guy. Merlin has recently been diagnosed with the rare and puzzling neurologically affective little white shaker dog syndrome which causes episodes during which he looks like a tiny little drunk, kinda wobbly, can’t do steps. There doesn’t seem to be any pain or distress, and he is responding well to treatment, which is corticosteroid therapy. The vet first suggested tiny little prednisone pills, which would have been less expensive, but would definitely have affected my lifestyle adversely. The little fellow is an expert pill chucker, and sneaky too. Fortunately the vet was able to prescribe pedia-prednisone, which is administered in a sweet liquid, so Merlin gets 1/2 teaspoon of dessert after every meal. He is delighted with this medical measure, and Arthur is very jealous. We have not seen an episode since beginning treatment. Apparently this is so rare that most vets may see it a handful of times over the course of their careers. Aren’t we the lucky ones?