
It’s possible I may have unvented something.  Y’all tell me if you’ve seen this before.  Double i-cord trimmed seam.

and from the side:

Yes, that is Merlin at the lower left.  It’s a challenge to take a photo of my knitting without getting some of Merlin in it. Besides, he makes a nice background.

This sample is scheduled for felting, and I think the i-cord trim will be just the right accent.  The cool part is doing the seam and making the i-cord is all the same process.

Want to try it?

Pick up and knit stitches along both edges you wish to seam.  I’ve picked up one stitch in each garter ridge on each side.  In the photo, these are on the colorful needles.  With dpn, cast on six.  *On “right” or “public” side, place a stitch from the right holding needle onto the dpn.  k2tog, k2, sl 3 as if to purl.  Turn work.  On “wrong” or “private” side, place a stitch from the other holding needle onto the dpn.  p2tog tbl, p2, sl3 as if to purl.*  Repeat between *s until all stitches are taken up.  Bind off.  Reward self for cleverness with chocolate, if available.

Wasn’t that easy?  For those of you with sharp eyes and nosey attitudes, you’ve probably noticed that I’m knitting with two strands held together, and that the right holding needle is accidentally poked into the i-cord.  I also know you’ve counted and noticed that I have seven stitches of the i-cord yarn on the needle, one from a holding needle (leftmost), and that the work is ready to turn, and work a “wrong” side row.  You get more chocolate for your extra cleverness.  You are wondering about that extra i-cord stitch, right?  It’s between the two icords and knit on both sides, to be garter stitch.  Theoretically this could be any number of stitches.  That would make this technique extremely useful for say, a boxed pillow cushion, you choose the pillow’s thickness.  More stitches, fatter pillow.  Without middle stitches, a knife-edge pillow.  Skip the bind off, and weave the last stitches into the cast on.

I’m off to find some chocolate now.

things one learns while browsing ravelry forums

Little Dee

Little Dee

I snorted diet pepsi onto the keyboard at the second strip.  After reading the fourth I would have bought the artwork if someone hadn’t beaten me to it.  Thank you to Kat, who is GleanerGirl on Ravelry, for posting the link to this artist’s work.  I’m talking about Little Dee by Chris Baldwin.  Chris, if you should ever read this, I adore your fiber-related strips.  Love your characters.

the newest bud on the extended family tree

The parents of the bud expect it shall be a baby girl in March or so.  And so, I knit.

1st, an ashlar cap, pattern and yarn found in Miss Babs booth at SAFF this past autumn.

This was a fun knit, and quick too.  I misunderstood the directions and totally messed up the braid trim, but I know what I did wrong, so I’ll get it right next time.  I think it looks ok anyway.  I added the corkscrew embellishment on top.  Just the right touch of whimsy.

Hot off the needles, a bsj in the same yummy Miss Babs yarn.

I love the way this one came out.  It’s been a few years since I knit one, and I remembered it fairly well.  When I found the perfect buttons, they came only in this size, which would have been slightly too small.

A little buttonhole stitch around the buttonhole . . .

buttonhole stitch

And a sewn shank for the button . . .

button with sewed shank

The buttons are perfect after all.

I like the way paired lifted increases look here too.

paired lifted increases lower front

I like this little jacket so much, I kinda hate to send it away.  I suppose it deserves a baby, and this one is guaranteed to be a real cutie.  Maybe I’ll make an adult surprise jacket in yummy yarn for me.