I was dyeing

with Mama E, and so were Keri, Carl, Niki and Kim. class picture

I handpainted 2 pretty skeins of sock yarn
my 2 skeins of sock yarn 2 handpaint skeins thanks MamaE!

this one is my favorite
a pretty pair of socks

and one roving
merino roving

if you think it looks kind of like entrails now, you should have seen it when it was still rolled up in plastic wrap and oozing dye. Have you ever seen a human placenta?

I think it will look fine spun up.

It was sunny, windy, shirtsleeve weather when I left Greensboro around 1:30pm, and raining when I arrived in W-S. Knit Picky is an adorable yarn shop located in a former residence, and still feels like a home. I knew I would like the people there, when I went to wash my hands and found a budgie in the bathroom! Cute little guy. We pretty much filled up the kitchen, and had great fun getting creative and messy. We took the group pics at the end, and it was COLD outside by then. It was Niki, I think, who put it so well, “a good day to dye”.

spinning my wheels

2008 02 11_0004

I have adjusted my woolee winder to wind the bobbin more evenly by rotating the moving eye a bit. Looks better, doesn’t it? Used to look like this:
2008 01 29_0005

Can’t wait to give this next stuff a spin on my wheel:
2008 02 11_0002

My first go at handpainting roving! Or dyeing fiber of any kind, for that matter. This is Lanaset/Sabraset colors at far too high a depth of shade. Next time I’ll go a little easier. Now for the closeup:
2008 02 11_0003
I spent most of Sunday at this, and had great fun. I spent most of Monday recovering, as I was having far too much fun to notice that I was demonstrating very poor ergonomic behavior for someone with a spine in the shape mine is in. But ooh, pretty!