On Saturday, we played with color!!

Denise and Lisa joined me in a little dye workshop. I hope they had as much fun as I did! DH swathed the entire kitchen in plastic sheeting (reusable) for the event, and did most of the setup. He’s such a sweetie.

My colors are Lanaset/Sabraset in 4% stock solution, ready to mix and dilute for handpainting.

stock solutions

I love the results!
a good day to dye

I really wish I had written down Lisa’s formula, because in the middle there, she’s come up with the perfect breast cancer awareness pink, and I’d like to duplicate it.

Denise aimed for, and got, denim blue, just right.
denim mustache

I did a few more skeins later that night.
rosewood flame midnight forest

In the middle there are 2 skeins I decided to call “flame”.  I was shooting for medium rose and gold.  I guess I missed a little.  Practice, practice, practice.

I need to be a little more careful with my ergonomics in future.  I spent all day Sunday recovering.  Someday I’ll learn.

spinning my wheels

2008 02 11_0004

I have adjusted my woolee winder to wind the bobbin more evenly by rotating the moving eye a bit. Looks better, doesn’t it? Used to look like this:
2008 01 29_0005

Can’t wait to give this next stuff a spin on my wheel:
2008 02 11_0002

My first go at handpainting roving! Or dyeing fiber of any kind, for that matter. This is Lanaset/Sabraset colors at far too high a depth of shade. Next time I’ll go a little easier. Now for the closeup:
2008 02 11_0003
I spent most of Sunday at this, and had great fun. I spent most of Monday recovering, as I was having far too much fun to notice that I was demonstrating very poor ergonomic behavior for someone with a spine in the shape mine is in. But ooh, pretty!