did I promise you a roadside attraction?

How about Foamhenge?  Foamhenge?, you say.  Yes.  Just like Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain in the South of England, but made of styrofoam.  No, really.  It’s a same size replica in Natural Bridge, VA.  Find a review of foamhenge, and an interview with the artist, Mark Cline, at roadsideamerica.com .  You can book this place for your special event, or attend the Enchantment Faire in September.  How many places can you visit where you can buy a knighthood for your child, or watch flaming coconuts flung from a trebuchet?  I’d like to see the sheep tossing contest, myself.†  We just wandered around and in it on a beautiful spring day.

ETA: not live sheep of course, or even formerly live sheep, sillies!

I took this picture from down the hill a bit.  The tiny human is 6′ 3″ or so IRL.  If you go look at the large size of the picture, he appears to be trying to escape while Merlin throws a spell at him.



The one below is taken from inside the circle, the same human is there for scale.

soooo big!

soooo big!

Notice the difference in construction on the sign below.  Go to the largest flickr size to make the print easier to read.

If you are curious what it looks like really close up, it looks like styrofoam with gray paint on it.

yup, styrofoam

yup, styrofoam

One more picture for you, just a beautiful near-sunset skyline from inside the standing foams:

Virginia mountain sky

Virginia Blue Ridge Mountain sky

Sedalia Spring Fiber Festival 2009

Yes, it took me more than a week to get around to blogging it.  You forgive me, because I have some cool stuff to share.  This fiber event is worth the drive for the setting alone, never mind the drool potential at the vendor booths. Look:

such a beautiful place

such a beautiful place

My daughter had a conversation with this baby angora goat.  You can see a video of it at youtube, or find it in my vodpod sidebar widget.

m-y-y-y last word, no m-i-n-e

m-y-y-y last word, no m-i-n-e

but, I’ll just embed it here, so you don’t have to go looking for it. hee hee!

I got snagged by the Serendipitous Ewe Chance sock yarn* colors, and ended up buying Bird of Paradise, Waterlily, Pumpkin Pie, and Tulip

*All subtle striping, and guaranteed not to pool. Info for Chance Sock Yarn: A Superwash sock yarn, with a little nylon for support,80% Superwash Merino Wool/20% Nylon,Approx. 420 yards,6–7 sts per inch,US size 1–3 needles.  Please go look at their pictures, because I haven’t taken any yet.  It’s lovely stuff.

At Wild Hare Fibers booth, I looked at Spinolution spinning wheels.  I like that they are made in the USA, and cleverly engineered.  If you look at the gallery page, the customizations add aesthetic value I mean, make ’em look so much more purtier.  This one belongs to Melissa, aka wildhare, and is a Mach 1 model. In the background is the Strauch Fiber Equipment booth.  I have their dbl finest motorized drum carder, and personally believe it is the best on the market.

gorgeous custom deco job

gorgeous custom deco job

This young lady is just learning how to treadle, and she is test spinning on a Bee travel wheel.

air spinning

air spinning

teaser: we stopped by a roadside attraction after the festival, see it next post.

new mailbox for mother’s day

What more could a mother want?  Perhaps to be greeted with a display like this first thing in the morning:

from my youngest, to whom I read many books

from my youngest, to whom I read many books

The quote on this note is attributed to Strickland Gillilan on a page of quotes

You may have tangible wealth untold;

Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.

Richer than I you can never be —

I had a Mother who read to me.

I’m just dissolving into a puddle of maudlin sentimentality here, I know, but the child just credited me for her love of literature.  I got good grades!!  What a gratifying kid.

DH’s gift is a little more concrete, and I do mean that literally.  He’s been wrestling with a brick mailbox pedestal for two days now.  Here’s the photo synopsis:

old mailbox

old mailbox

Had to be extracted with a cold chisel and a prybar.

a short truce for the weekend warrior

a short truce for the weekend warrior

Then back into the breach

weekend warrior in the thick of battle

weekend warrior in the thick of battle

I have every confidence the battle will be won by dawn.