a few thankful photos

It being Thanksgiving week, I put up one of the best food pics I’ve ever taken. Also one of the prettyest things I’ve ever baked.

luray cavernsAnd a good travel photo. Most of the pic is reflection in the water.
nc zoo flamingoes And a good wildlife (captive) photo. Aren’t they lovely?

Just a few images from the archives. Hope you enjoy them.

a proud moment for the mama

when teenage daughter chooses to wear momknit for the school portrait!

Edited 6/18/2008 to add: This pattern is Krista, by Joan McGowan-Michael, my version on ravelry here.  Thanks Joan, for noticing!  Pattern is also named “Shaped Lace Tee” in the book, Knitting Lingerie Style.

finally got this pic from Lily’s roomie

perky21.jpgThis is the duvet I made for Lily with Juliet and Kayla looking perky after move in in August. Our visit to ASC this past weekend was exhausting, and very reassuring. It’s a great school. Back to routine for me now. My husband says I have a blog now instead of a life. How can I tell him it only takes so much time because I have to learn everything, often more than once! I’m slow, but I’m short. Finally found something I like to do besides knit, and he thinks I should spend some time in company with my family! Sheeesh!