a hat for carmen banana

Carmen Banana is not your usual sock monkey.  She comes as a kit from Knit Picks with a wardrobe to die for.  After I knit Carmen, her fancy panties, and a dress for a night out on the town, her outfit just did not look quite put together without a topper.  Long ago, I promised a pattern on my ravelry project page, and at last, here it is.

carmen closeup

In Knit Picks Stroll yarn and at a gauge of 8 stitches and 10 rows to the inch in stockinette, this pattern will yield a hat that is 7 inches in circumference.

Use the circular knitting method of your choice.  I knit this little hat using Magic Loop on a 32” circular needle in the same size I used for Carmen.

Using the cable cast on technique and main color, cast on 56 stitches.  Place a marker for beginning of round and k1p1 rib for 4 rounds.  Knit in stockinette for 9 rounds.  Begin decrease rounds:

  1. *ssk, k5*
  2. knit
  3. *ssk, k4*
  4. knit
  5. *ssk, k3*
  6. knit
  7. *ssk, k2*
  8. knit
  9. *ssk, k1*
  10. ssk 8 times
  11. ssk 4 times

Break yarn leaving a 10” tail. With a tapestry needle pull yarn through all stitches, pull tight, pull tail to inside, weave end in and cut.

For the flower, cast on 60 stitches in contrast color, knit front and back in each stitch, knit one row, loosely cast off, leaving a long tail.  Coil the knitting, securing with the yarn tail.  Sew to the hat.

The shape of Carmen’s head is such that she will lose this hat unless you secure it to her head, either by sewing, or with a tiny safety pin on the inside, as I did.

download the pdf:  Hat with Flower for Sock Monkey or Doll


even more headlines, still no news

I got these terrific pictures of my small friend from his mom, and they show the colors of his cap much more truly than the ones I took, besides, what a great model, huh?

soren on bike

Yes, he really is that cute.

And now for the closeup–

soren in cap

I think he might even like it! Nothing makes a knitter happier than finding a good home for a small work of tangible love. A veritable wooly hug for his little head. I’m getting all verklempt, I have to go now.

I must have been VERY good this year.

Here’s what Santa baby put under the tree –it’s a Kromski Sonata! I would so much rather have sat down to play than fix a Christmas dinner, but that had to wait until today.

Here’s my very first skein — corriedale roving, natural

Made today. Okay, it’s a big mess, inconsistent and overspun, but it’s my mess, and I’m very proud of it!

Arthur the endlessly curious bottomless pit poodle eyes my new obsession goofilly —

and has so far found discretion the better part of valour, i.e. has not yet eaten it, and therefore lives unbruised.

Girls in their momknit hats:

and a good day was had by all. Even Arthur.

I’m off hopefully to enjoy happily revolving dream bobbins full of dream-perfect luscious hand-painted exotic fiber yarns.

And to all a good night.